
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, I guess you may have noticed by now that I haven't blogged in a while. A really long while. Sorry!

Don't worry, I'll get you all caught up in no time...

Here's my baby.

Cute, a'int she?

Hard to believe summer's come and gone... here's a look at what she's been up to...

We celebrated the 4th at Landa Park with the family. Here she is enjoying a little pre-dessert dessert. She's also wearing headphones to protect her ears from the loud firework pops. Mind you, the fireworks won't start for another... oh, three hours. Safety first!

She tried out for an all-star cheerleading squad. That's my girl flying through the air. Whee!

She swam.

She went toilet paper-ing.

She grew a beard.

She started school and learned how to write her name (note - hers is the one in blue). I die everytime I look at that upside-down A. So precious.

Hope y'all are well!!



  1. Ha ha... I can just hear you saying "she grew a beard." So funny! Miss you both! Thanks for the update!

  2. So cute! I can not believe how big she has gotten! Oh my gosh. Very funny.
